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Grayskul - Deadlivers

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2005-03-08 00:08

Grayskul - Deadlivers


checkade precis Grayskul - Deadlivers...

detta låter riktigt lovande...har varken hört Onry Ozzborn eller JFK innan och är riktigt positivt överraskad!

"On their debut full length Deadlivers, Oldominion's Onry Ozzborn & JFK along side their partner in rhymefighting, bass player Rob Castro, enter the proverbial phone booth and emerge as their respective superhero alter egos. Reason, Fiddle Back Recluse and Phantom Ghost El-Topo. If this trio of visionaries were raised in a world before beat machines and microphones, they might have found their creative outlet among the Stan Lee's and Jack Kirby's of the world, spinning a new mythology centered around the heroics of their focal characters..."


Sådär gött mörkt och smutsigt...me likes!

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein