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Thundercats - Bästa grupp du inte hört

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2004-11-29 17:07

Thundercats - Bästa grupp du inte hört

Tänkte tipsa om en sjukt grym grupp som min polare Mike har hypat i några veckor nu. Dom har precis släppt ett mixtape som är jävligt nice. Bifogar lite info saxat från Mike.
I represent an underground group from Washington D.C. called the Thundercats. The Thundercats crew, which have become legends on the D.C. & Northern Virginia underground scene, have released their first official release. "In The Beginning" is an amazing mixtape album, that perfectly showcases the various styles, sounds, and hunger of the crew. I have a bunch of copies I'm looking to sell, while we secure a European distribution deal. The album is a certified banger, what 32 tracks of pure fucking fire! You can hear some snippets from the album at my website www.infinite-style.com/inthebeg.html

Fuck That Serato MP3 shit! Keep It Dusty!!! THD KREW