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Michael Jackson på framsidan av The Source

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2004-10-19 20:42

Michael Jackson på framsidan av The Source

MICHAEL Jackson has finally found some supporters in fellow Eminem-haters David Mays and Ray Benzino. Jackson reached out to the Source magazine owners after Eminem made fun of him in his "Just Lose It" video. The trio is said to be planning a press conference on Thursday to "urge the hip-hop community to stand by ," a rep for the Source said. Jackson is also expected to "speak about Eminem's video which he will deem racist and dangerous to the black community and thank the Source for calling out Eminem," the rep added. The Source is also putting Jackson on the cover of its next issue.

Enligt : nypost.com

Hahahaha, fan vilken skön combo! HAhahahaha

i roll like a bat out of hell