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Brother Ali "Champion" EP

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2004-05-03 13:23

Brother Ali "Champion" EP

Fett nytt släpp ifrån Bro Ali.. Spår nr. 1, remixen på Champion är tungt och Self Tought är ett skönt anthem nu till sommaren.. Ska köpa denna platta på wax så fort jag får pengar. Brother Ali är en tight rappare med grymma jävla texter..
"Fuck rappin, I sing off-key / One thing you should never do is diss Ali, ´cause motherfucker there ain´t nothing rougher than tryin to climb from the ruggedness swept under.." - Self Tought. Flowet!
Ni andra som har hört "Champion" EP:n, vad tycker ni?

Tracklist och omslag
Intervju med brother Ali(lite gammal kanske)

RevLive: How do you feel about people downloading your music?
BA: I'm not mad at them at all! Not at all. I think, especially for me being still unknown, a lot of people still haven't heard my music. I feel like there are people out there who might like my music that haven't actually heard me, and might like my music. So if downloading my music exposes them to me, then I'm cool with that.