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[Audio] Emil Brikha - Enjoy the Silence.

Svensk Hiphop - Audio & Video


2009-01-18 00:38

[Audio] Emil Brikha - Enjoy the Silence.

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Enjoy the silence

I see a pail reflection of my face in the mirror in front of me. I stand in silence and look pass my soul and what I used to be. I’m not used to see what I see and I don’t want to be, what the demons say that I should be. I’m almost lost you see.

I’m cold, all alone and it hurts like frost bite. I used to be, alright, all psyched but now it’s a lost fight. I’m barely standing, I can’t bare the understanding. I can’t stand the thoughts of all the demands and planning.

I’m landing comfortably in the land of none thinking. None looking, none blinking, none floating, none sinking. I’m suspended in nothing, hanging by thin threads of nothing, bobbing up and down in a gigantic ocean of nothing.

I’m lost in the mist. I turn and twist briefly. I struggle and turn myself in and out completely. My soul is on the outside now, totally exposed. The wind blows as my spirituality erodes. The outside world applies a lot of pressure, I explode. Now I’m free, not forced by the boundaries of this road. I rise to the skies without shackles or disguise. This guy is finally on his way out of this enterprise.

I entered lies and got kicked out on the other side. I asked questions without replies and that became my demise and as I look back in time. I realize I’m fine, I can deal with my past and time has lost its meaning. Now I can start my healing, disregard from being human or human beings. I’ve had a few meetings, where spoken words and unheard thoughts collide in differences. I’ve heard both arguments and still not quite sure what the difference is.

The cryptic nature of these words are masked for a purpose. I fear that if you dive into this you will never reach the surface. If you understand what I’m saying, nod your head in alliance. If you don’t understand, just relax and enjoy the silence.

http://www.LQP.se - The Portal To Self (ehm, myself, that is)