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Adam Tensta vs. Lazee

Svensk Hiphop - Allmänt


2008-01-30 23:36

Adam Tensta vs. Lazee

ok... for att jag helt enkelt e lika skolad pa svenska skriver jag hellre detta pa engelska for o kunna uttrycka mej battre (ni kan fortf svara pa svenska..)

It seems that these two names are arguably the biggest in Swedish rap (in english) at this point (Henok is on his way, but not there yet). Something I can't help but notice on EVERY single forum where one of the two aforementioned artists are discussed is a comparison, as well as a constant debate on who is superior (even if it has no relation to the discussion whatsoever).

At this juncture i'd like to pose the question of why this is even necessary or relevant dialogue. I attribute it to what I have percieved as a swedish hip-hop community that seems inherently divisive. As opposed to celebrating both artists, their respective success and styles (which DOES happen, although appears to be an anomaly), the discussion seems to always lend itself to "FAN VA GRYM HAN E LAZEE ADAM TENSTA BLIR KNACKT", or "ROCK AWAY SUGER, ADAM TENSTA VINNER LATT MED  MY COOL."

I could see how this would be a worthwhile discussion if the artists had beef, or even ever decided to publicly engage in dialogue regarding who is better, but the fact is (unless I missed something) that these artists clearly have nothing against eachother and even collaborate.

So i guess my point with this rant is that the Swedish hip-hop community should redirect its focus from always trying to compare who is better, to focusing more on WHY each artist is good, and giving props to the artists you do endorse (which in my opinion DOES NOT include a constant attack on other artists' credibility and level of skill).

anyways...sorry for the rant but c'mon! Lazee is dope, Tensta is dope, and i could give you a long list of reasons why I like both, but trying to take anything away from either artist is purely ridiculous, and part of the mentality that hinders Swedish rap on an international level.

comments, thoughts?

-y. ivy


tro mej, jag är skitduktig på att rappa