[Hemsida] The Cell Experience
Länk till http://athens101.com/?q=node/6661
Haha, detta verkar vara helt sjukt.
1000-Listen to heavy metal for two hours 5000-Shaved by sexy ladies 22000-Forced to spend time with a guy who’s eaten nothing but chili for 4 days 30000-is forced to eat rotten food 45000-A sheep is put in the cell 60000-??? (I’m too drunk to translate all this…) 70000-He has to wear a sumo wrestler suit 80000-He has to ride 10km on a bicycle in the cell 90000-Sexy ladies pillow fight 100000-HE HAS TO CUT OFF HIS OWN HAND!!!
Ju mer besökare han får, desto svårare utmaningar får han!
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