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Övrigt - Webbsidor


2009-02-06 00:54


Ok.. Ni har väl hört talas om SoundCloud, det verkar ju fett. Som en avancerad liten länksamling för musik. Men frågan är om man kan använda det för all musik eller bara det som är gratis..

No Liability for Content

1. USER acknowledges that SOUNDCLOUD, by providing the USER with the ability to view and distribute user-generated Content, is merely acting as a passive conduit (host/service) for the distribution of such Content, and that SOUNDCLOUD, to the extent permissable by law, is not undertaking does not undertake any obligation or liability relating to the Content or to the USERS' activities.
2. USER acknowledges and agrees that SOUNDCLOUD cannot and does not generally review the Content created or uploaded by USER. USER acknowledges and agrees that SOUNDCLOUD and its respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, assigns, employees, agents, directors, officers and shareholders do not undertake or assume any duty to generally monitor the Website for inappropriate Content.

Dvs, man får inte ladda upp saker man inte äger!

"PS: Vi kollar oftast inte vad ni laddar upp."

Förresten.. Jag hatar MBFIMG's användare på Whoa! HATAR!