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[Krönika] - Den stulna mobilen och hämnden som följde.

Övrigt - Webbsidor


2008-03-26 16:04

[Krönika] - Den stulna mobilen och hämnden som följde.

Här följer en ganska vansinnig berättelse som utspelade sig häromdan.

It was a sunny but windy day today when I walked down to the beach in St Georges Bay to catch some sun and read a book. I have a favourite spot by the palm trees where I sit down in the warm sand and lean against one of the trees. I put my backpack next to me in the shadow of the tree to keep my water cold. Just as I sat down I got a phone call. After hanging up I would have to change position to get the phone back in my pocket so I put it on my backpack and continued reading.

I was sitting just a metre or so from the short passage that takes you from the street to the beach and every once in a while I would look up at the people passing. First a couple of German guys came strolling down the passage with the dragging and snapping sound of their flip flops as they walked. Shortly after them a group of kids from the U.K came running. A few minutes later two young women passed by, a pretty odd couple.

One of them was short and had a masculine style as she walked. Her short brown hair had blond highlights, carefully ruffed around in a messy but controlled way. T-shirt with rolled up sleeves and white baggy pants. Hands in her front pockets, walking that stiff man type of walk. Her friend was the complete opposite. Tall, good looking, feminine, with long brown hair and in the words of Borat: “Wa-wa-wii-waa”.

After I finished one of the chapters in the book I realised my ass was hurting so I got up and stretched my legs for a bit. I did my usual triple tap where I first tap my hand on my left pocket, right pocket and then the right back pocket. It takes less then a second and halfway through it I realised my phone was missing. I started looking around the tree, shuffling the sand with my feet then asked one of the people passing by if I could borrow their phone to call mine just in case it was hidden in the sand. The call went straight to my mailbox and it hit me. Someone had stolen my phone!

Pga whoa's formatering så kan jag inte posta hela berättelsen.

Du kan läsa resten här.

http://www.LQP.se - The Portal To Self (ehm, myself, that is)