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3dje versen ur 'enigma' [lina... lyrik]

Övrigt - Vardagsfilosofi


2004-10-20 20:44

3dje versen ur 'enigma' [lina... lyrik]

det blir lite plastigt att sätta in en vers ur en hel lyriktext på 3 verser, men let´s give it a try..:

....the seasons changes fast, this is the hell i live in
inside i´m free, parallel to my outside where i´m in a prison
everything i seek´s hidden - and everything i can do´s still forbidden
cursed since birth, went from heaven to hell but from hell I've risen
i spent my lonely time, planning, and finally i fled the system
escaped the fate that was an escapade made for other children
cuz today it seems no one´s man enough to face their responsibilities
me, myself, and i, we try to open our eyes and really see
what´s going on around us, trying to learn you a lesson
give you some guidance until you got Gods truly blessings
so, please no more smiles - and stop give us your lies
we´ve already noticed that nothing lasts for a long time
now let´s let´s continue try being healthy in a world so sick
never said what i´d be capable of holding - aint trying to be heroic
never tried to write down my memoirs but let me finish this sentence;
cuz if i would join any team, instead of staying independent
i wouldn´t chose luficers
cuz why try to be a star in hell when i am the whole god damn universe?
but, notice: nothing exists that aint got weak links, so you can touch me
as i know how to not to do things but i do not know how to succeed
and if you´re inside this disquise, remember this aint such dreams
where i walk in the mist, but it´s still exactly what i´ve to see through
think you missunderstood me somewhere down the line, in the preview
cuz i aint never tried to be you
so back then when you practised hate i was just trying to lead you
into the right direction and even if you never saw it i gave you help
i think i made you well
but i am sometimes a catastrophic failure and that i hate to tell
now let me clear my throat and end this one with: go save yourself
before you become a priyan...

ni är välkomna att korrigera grammatiska fel samt stavfel, syftningsfel eller liknande om ni finner sådana (vilket ni garanterat gör).
konstruktiv kritik och respons är alltid välkomnad.
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