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hur syns infrarött i fotografering?

Övrigt - Blandat


2009-01-12 16:13

hur syns infrarött i fotografering?

Hejhej, läste precis den här artikeln och blev tagen med storm av de vackra bilderna. Jag vet vad infrarött ljus är osv vilket även framgår av artikeln men hur i hela friden blir det infraröda ljuset synligt i bilderna? Om vi inte kan uppfatta det med ögonen måste det ju omvandlas till något vi kan varsebli i bilderna. Vad är detta och hur går det till?

Del av artikeln:

One of the most charming contrasting color effects you can get in photography is by using infrared. An easy way to understand near-infrared light is to think of it as the color of the rainbow next to red, a color that is invisible to the human eye. But near-infrared is not the same as thermal imaging.

Because everyday objects reflect infrared in proportions that differ sharply from that of visible light, the tonal relationships are wildly unexpected. Such near-infrared techniques used in photography give subjects an exotic, antique look. Green vegetation becomes white, whereas human skin becomes pale and ghostly. The resulting images look alien.

Digital cameras use CCD and other similar sensors to capture infrared images. Although all digital cameras available on the market are sensitive to infrared light, they are equipped with infrared-blocking filters. The main reason for this is that consumer cameras are designed to capture visible light. But sometimes these filters are used together, giving very interesting in-camera effects like false color, wood effects etc.

smakprov på foto:

vadå? jag dyster?