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Ett glas vin = 500 cigaretter?

Övrigt - Blandat


2008-05-25 02:48

Ett glas vin = 500 cigaretter?

hej alla kemister på whoa!
Jag satt och slösurfade på Facebook och hittade de här argumenten ang rökning och andrahandsrökning. Tänkte inte dra igång värsta debatten (eller varför inte egentligen, men svara först på min fråga! :)

Carcinogens are what cause cancer. A class-A carcinogen is a cancer causing agent which is believed to increase cancer risk at ANY level of exposure - no matter how minute. Cigarettes contains class-A carcinogens, and your glass of wine contains Class-A carcinogens. But, your glass of wine releases those carcinogens into the atmosphere at about 500 times the rate of a single cigarette over the same period of consumption.

So, if you believe the hype about the dangers of SHS, then you MUST, by force of logic, believe that your glass of wine is roughly 500 times more dangerous to the health of those around you than a single cigarette is. If you don't believe that, then you're illogical and irrational, and people are just wasting their time by considering your opinions anyway. And, no matter how many times you dismiss the fact, (typical non-thinking anti-smoker's response) without rendering a valid argument, that fact wont change.

Ethyl Alcohol (the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages) is a class A carcinogen - a class A carcinogen is a substance to which there is NO safe level of human exposure. The rate of ethyl alcohol evaporation into the atmosphere, from a drink containing 40% alcohol, under average indoor conditions, is roughly 1 gram per hour. This is the equivalent of the the amount of class A carcinogens released into the atmosphere through the SHS of roughly 2,000 cigarettes being smoked over the course of the same hour, under the same conditions.

So, if you accept the hype about the cancer causing effects of SHS, then, by order of logic, you MUST accept that a single glass of scotch/vodka/rum/whatever, sitting on a table, will cause 2,000 times as much cancer as a single cigarette will.

Since most wine contains about a fourth the amount of ethyl alcohol as hard liquor, it's safe to assume that, if the anti-smoking propaganda is correct, your one glass of wine is causing as many health problems in others as about 500 smokers each smoking a single cigarette over the time it takes you to drink your glass of wine.

Det är en del text, jag vet, men jävligt intressant om det nu är sant!