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Paris Hilton blir dissad av Silverman - då hon sitter i publiken.

Övrigt - Blandat


2007-06-10 18:01

Paris Hilton blir dissad av Silverman - då hon sitter i publiken.

Komikern Sarah Silverman skämtar med Paris Hilton under MTV Movie awards.

Silverman säger bla:

"In a couple of days, Paris Hilton is going to jail.

The judge says that it's going to be a no-frills thing and that is ridiculous. She is totally going to get special treatment," Silverman said.

As a matter of fact, I heard that to make her feel more comfortable in prison, the guards are going to paint the bars to look like penises. I think it's wrong, too. I just worry that she's going to break her teeth on those things

Videon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APqPQuaPEq0

Vad det rätt av Silverman att dissa Ms. Hilton? Hon satt ju trots allt i publiken och kunde inte försvara sig. Vad tycker ni? Rätt eller fel?

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