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en låt jag har skrivit, vad tycker ni?

Övrigt - Blandat


2006-04-25 19:15

en låt jag har skrivit, vad tycker ni?

det är lugnt om ni tycker att den suger, berätta gärna vad som är bra/dåligt eller "den suger, lägg ner dina musikambitioner"

The great escape - life goes on, so does she

I sit and reminisce
how can I not
you gave me so much
your ups with my downs
make me believe when
they say opposites attracts
and that's the basis

you cure the pain in my life
you are the core of my happiness
let me see you smile
let me feel no bitterness

life goes on, so does you
no reason to feel empitness
now I move too, boo,
even though my journey
is filled with bitterness
they say love is painful
how can I relate
in my hand your hand fits perfectly
make me think you my soulmate

you cure the pain in my life
you are the core of my happiness
let me see you smile
let me feel no bitterness

being around you is a pure pleasure
being with you make me think I'm floating in the space
see half my soul take a small pace, what a big distaste
how can I ever forget
certain metaphysical bond
is hard to get even harder to interpret
still I hope you come back
and get me back on track
cus' life lika a ghost is not a life...

Jag bara måste:
jag kicka henne