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R Kelly Shoots More For "Trapped In The Closet"

Övrig musik - Soul & RnB


2005-07-14 03:39

R Kelly Shoots More For "Trapped In The Closet"

R Kelly kommer att fortsätta sin berättelse/dokusåpa....

"R. Kelly is prone to giving fans a show even if it's not at a show.

On July 5 at Chicago's Esquire movie theater, Kelly screened his five-part mini-movie "Trapped in the Closet" and gave onlookers an added treat as well: The Pied Piper debuted the songs for chapters six through 10 of "Trapped in the Closet" and even acted out the words to one of the episodes before hosting a party at Le Passage.

Over the weekend, Kelly began shooting videos for "Trapped in the Closet" chapters six through 10, which all continue a central story. Production is said to be wrapping this week, and as with the predecessors, Kelly is co-directing.

Although his reps haven't disclosed much about the songs or videos, his record company said they take up right where chapter five ended and will keep fans guessing about what'll happen next.

There is no word yet on when the new videos will be released, but Kelly's TP.3 Reloaded was released last week, and by all indications it will have a strong debut on the sales chart come Wednesday."

Don't try to fit in my shoes cuz you can't//
nobody can fuck with me, understand???//