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LIVE kommer med nytt album...

Övrig musik - Rock, pop & annat


2005-03-09 17:53

LIVE kommer med nytt album...

Fick det här mailet från www.friendsoflive.com idag. :D

LIVE is currently working on a new album! The band members are currently
working on material for their next album to be released later this year. We
don't have much more information at this time, but be sure to check out the web
site often, since we will post new album information as soon as we receive it
along with any touring news!

Fy fan va roligt! vart besviken som fan när dom inte kom hit å spela när awake albumet släpptes i höstas. men nu ökar ju chansen att dom kommer iallafall.

"A thorough reading and understanding of the Bible is the surest path to atheism." - Donald Morgan