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Joe Gibbs har avlidit 21 FEB/08

Övrig musik - Reggae & Dancehall


2008-02-23 16:49

Joe Gibbs har avlidit 21 FEB/08

Friday, 22 February 2008 Joe Gibbs. One of Jamaica's top record producers in the 1970's, Joe Gibbs, is dead.

Mr. Gibbs died Thursday night at the University Hospital of the West Indies after suffering a heart attack.

He started his music career as a technician but made history in the Jamaican music industry with the production of several popular songs.

Under his belt were songs by the likes of Beres Hammond, J C Lodge and Dennis Brown.

Another Producer, Grub Cooper remembered Gibbs as a man who knew music.    

"Joe Gibbs was in the seventies one of the biggest and best producers because he had a particular sound and that sound permeated throughout the whole music fraternity in those days. As a matter a fact even until today, his influence is there. He did produce many hits for Dennis Brown, the number one record, JC Lodge's ‘Someone Loves you Honey', which went number one in Europe and other places. He did a lot of work with the Diamonds and many other artistes. He's actually touched the life of most of the artistes in that era," he said.

Joe Gibbs died at the age of 65.


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