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"You niggers have bought form slave owners all your life"

Övrig musik - Reggae & Dancehall


2007-06-29 17:31

"You niggers have bought form slave owners all your life"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: info(at)lyricdvdmag.com < info(at)lyricdvdmag.com
Date: Jun 21, 2007 6:57 PM
Subject: Lyyric DVD Magazine urgent: Audiomaxxx.com racist remarks
why do we support them

Dear Reggae community,

recently Lyric DVD had a conversation with the owner of
Audiomaxxx.com, I asked him why do you continue to bootleg the work of the reggae artist and
sell it for nothing. His remarks were "who the fuck are you to tell me
how to treat these dumb Jamaicans". He then said, "Niggers cant even
manage them self let alone their music. You niggers have bought form
slave owners all your life". He then hung up the phone on me.

Why do we continue to support modern pirates like this?

Please pass on this email we have put a stop to racist attitudes like

Thank you from the Lyric DVD Magazine family.


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