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"Has Rita lost her mind?"

Övrig musik - Reggae & Dancehall


2005-08-12 21:44

"Has Rita lost her mind?"

Det här är gammalt,men jag undrar vad ni tror att Bob velat!?

Är det någon som hört vad som hände efter det här med diskussionen och vad sa hans barn om det hela?

Release date: 16 November, 1999

"Has Rita lost her mind?" P. Chin wrote in a letter published Thursday in Jamaica's most widely read newspaper, The Gleaner. "Bob loved Jamaica. He wouldn't have made it his home if it were otherwise."

....The announcement brought immediate controversy and confusion. In Kingston, the Bob Marley Foundation, a charity headed by Rita Marley, denied reports of her statement in Ethiopia, and a spokesman for the family later issued a statement quoting her as saying that Jamaica "will remain the resting place for Bob Marley for the foreseeable future."

....Popular host Cliff Hughes voiced opposition to moving Marley's body on his nightly show on Jamaica's Power 106 radio.

"The Marley family is going to have to convince me that this is what Bob wanted," Hughes said Wednesday. "He's part of Jamaica's national heritage. With the greatest respect, he belongs to the Marley family, and he belongs to the people of Jamaica."

yeh...vad säger ni trogna Marley fans?

"Lift Up Your Head & Hold It Up High"