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10/2 - Traffic pres: NOISIA (NL)

Klubb & Konserter - Stockholm


2006-01-13 20:37

10/2 - Traffic pres: NOISIA (NL)

2006-02-10: Noisia@Traffic -Stockholm-

NOISIA (NL) (vision, renegade hardware,moving shadow,
ram records, metalheadz, subtitles music)

Limbz (BigDeal)
Social (Struktur gbg)

Sound and light by: Solid Sound (guarantee you first class
sound believe!)

Fredag 10/2 @ Vielle Montagne, södermälarstrand kajplats 9. 22-03, 18years, 150kr

Members ONLY! Become a member here on our site for FREE. You get your membershipcard at the door. Sign up 24 hours (at the latest)before the doors open.

For you that needs an introduction to Noisia here it is:

Promomix: content.dogsonacid.com

Noisia (the word VISION rotated 180 degrees) consists of three guys; Nik Roos(21), Martijn van Sonderen(20) and Thijs de Vlieger(22) from Groningen (holland). Acquainted through the small graffiti community in the school they all went to, Nik and Thijs made friends in 1998 and started making music to kill time and have a laugh. Soon after their first confrontation with drum 'n bass, they started digging into it, and gradually making music just for fun evolved into a serious obsession to make good dnb.
After a few fruitful collaborations with Martijn, who had been in music (hiphop production/classical piano) for quite a while before he hooked up with Nik and Thijs, martijn was added to the noisia team.
After a while the internet was discovered as a great way to acquire knowledge and to get feedback on productions. Also the first noisia tune that received interest from a real label (mayhem's shadow-law recordings) was found on a production message board, this interest was a big motivation to get the tunes to sound better. An investment in studio-equipment and a dedication to sound design, mixdown and arrangement got things moving, and february 2003 saw the birth of the tune that was going to be the first released noisia tune; "tomahawk" by noisia and mayhem on paul reset's "nerve" imprint. The flip of that was "silicon" written in the hangover-days after mayhem's short but fruitful stay. Silicon/tomahawk was released in august 2003, and after that things gradually started rolling.
Right now noisia have got releases out and forthcoming on well-known labels such as Teebee's Subtitles and Rob Playford's Moving Shadow (who have also licensed two noisia tunes to Rockstar's Midnight Club 3), And they've collaborated with well-known dnb artists Cause 4 Concern, Calyx, Teebee, Black Sun Empire and Bad Company UK. Also, Renegade Hardware are releasing a Noisia remix of the well known "Messiah" by the infamous duo Konflict on the Renegade Hardware Guerilla warfare LP.

dj support Noisia and Drifter tunes:

Ed Rush, Andy C, DJ Hype, Teebee, Goldie, BC UK, Dieselboy, Friction amongst others.

As DJ's Noisia have touched down in every major dutch city and in Moscow, Budapest, Paris, London and USA, amongst others. Also july 2004 saw the first Noisia USA/Canada tour.
Besides drum 'n bass Nik Martijn and Thijs also have other musical projects, they have another drum 'n bass alias (drifter) for more mellow and soulful music that doesnt fit the noisia sound, with releases forthcoming on Metalheadz, Shogun Audio and Horizons music.
They make breakbeat tunes under the name "Hustle Athletics".
Also a downtempo album is in the making, they have done music for (short) films and there are a couple of releases of house productions/remixes planned.

www.ff-dvd.com / www.clubtraffic.org
www.myspace.com/clubtraffic / www.myspace.com/alloutdubstep
www.myspace.com/stucklife / www.stucklife.com