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30/10 All Out Dubstep & Goldielocks (UK) @ Bongobar, jkpg

Klubb & Konserter - Övrigt & Utland


2009-10-21 11:16

30/10 All Out Dubstep & Goldielocks (UK) @ Bongobar, jkpg


@ BONGOBAR, jkpg, 21-02 .



GOLDIELOCKS (UK) kommer från staden Croydon söder om London. Staden är också känd för att ha Skream, Benga, Kutz mfl som invånare coh det är här GOLDIELOCKS hämtar sin inspiration. Hon blandar friskt mellan dubstep, grime och pop och hennes sound jämförs med "Lily Allen" & "Lady Soverin", men jävligt mkt kaxigare. Som producent och rappare har hon släppt två stycken singlar och en EP. Hon har även haft med sin musik i filmen "Adulthood", i en Nike reklam och på Marc Jabocs runway show... Hon jobbar hårt, hon gör det själv och hon kommer till Malmö grymt peppad på att göra sin grej!


Alright? I'm Goldie, I live in Croydon. I'm 75% English and 25% Swedish.

I'm a producer and 'rapper' / singer. I'm not very techy, I don't like wires or being a computer boff, it takes me a while to work things out but when I work it out it sounds amazing. To me anyway.

I'd rather have respect than money, and I am ALWAYS original. There is nothing more I hate than copy cats or fakers. I hate people who chat bullshit, drop names or buy champagne. Music means more to me than a new car, fresh garms or a chain.

So far I've had 2 singles and an EP released independently, I have a publishing deal with Puregroove, songs featured in the film 'Adulthood', had the Marc Jacobs runway show opened and closed by one of my songs, had my music used to back Nike and Fenchurch ad campaigns, played all around the world and been in some cool magazines. Not bad for a girl from Croydon who left school at 16 to go and work in JD Sports, but I'm still only just starting.

I always have and always will be independent. I run my own empire. I have the last say. I don't rely on other people to do anything, because they always fuck it up. I don't care if you hate what I do, because there's a small percentage of people who love it.

People always ask me what style my music is. I would say Grime, RnB, Dubstep and Pop, all mashed up. I more look up to guys than girls, I've never been a girly girl and most females in the music industry are used, abused, and rubbish (or groupies).

www.ff-dvd.com / www.clubtraffic.org
www.myspace.com/clubtraffic / www.myspace.com/alloutdubstep
www.myspace.com/stucklife / www.stucklife.com