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Shevchenko vill lämna Milan

Hobby & Fritid - Sport & Idrott


2006-05-12 20:14

Shevchenko vill lämna Milan

Detta är en sorgens dag, en av våra största stjärnor och min personliga favorit har gått ut och sagt att han vill lämna AC Milan.

Anledningen säger han är personliga problem.

Tycker inte att vi ska tracka honmo för mycket, det har säkert varit ett riktigt svårt val, och troligtvis har han e bra anlening. Vi får se hur det artar sig..

It's useless to hide the facts. I was with the president and I we spoke about a lot of things. We also spoke about the possibility of changing teams. This is not a decision, we were only talking. I want to be clear, it does not regard my relationship with Milan. There is great affection for the club, the coach and my team-mates. The decision regards my family. I want to say to the fans that they have always been important for me. It is not even for the economic aspect, is absurd for me, it's almost hard work to speak about it. I have been at Milan for seven years, I have to decide well. I am not under pressure to make a decision, I am just talking in these days. There will be another press conference to clear everything up. I ask that rumours don't go around that don't exist, not to twist the facts, there are no problems with the club, the coach and team-mates, there never has been.'

Vad som än händer kommer han att för mig alltid vara världens bästa anfallare..
