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Newcastle through and through

Hobby & Fritid - Sport & Idrott


2004-12-27 20:31

Newcastle through and through

"But we will shout and scream at you,
Co's you got your colours wrong."

"Well Santa cut his journey short
said the kids can wait a while.
This year I'm gonna do my rounds but finish in real style.
He called into a tailors shop gave the chappie quite a fright.
When he said I want a new suite made, this time in black and white."

"Oh Santa your a Geordie
And we´re all proud of you.
You look real dapper in your brand new suit
Your Newcastle through and through.
We only hope the kiddies will one day understand
That your now dressed in Black and White
Co's you dont like Sun-der-land"

Santa is a Geordie
