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Rasistiska påhopp av United mot Liverpool!

Hobby & Fritid - Sport & Idrott


2004-09-20 19:06

Rasistiska påhopp av United mot Liverpool!

Rasistiska påhopp av United mot Liverpool
Liverpool fansen har chockats över Man Uniteds officiella hemsida där mycket allvarliga påhopp har skett!

Man kan inte tro det om deras officella hemsida!

Man kan bara hata United!

http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/drilldown /N146075040919-1115.htm


"The article then goes on to explain the Spanish translations for some of the sickest chants directed at Liverpool supporters over the years - including "Build a bonfire, build a bonfire, put the Scousers on the top", "You find a dead rat and you think it's a treat, in your Liverpool slums" and "Feed the Scousers. Let them know it's Christmas time."

Blao Blao