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Rush More (Wes Andersson)

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2010-02-18 19:08

Rush More (Wes Andersson)

Länk till http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0128445/

hade helt missat denna filmen, hade bara läst om den var bra så fick jag tummen ur och såg den härom kvällen och fan va nöjd jag blev. om man gillar hans filmer så måste ni se denna. vad tycker ni som sett den?

Rushmore is a film about Max Fisher (Jason Schwartzman), an extremely intelligent and unusual student of the Rushmore Academy. He is amazing after school with all his different clubs and extra curricular activities however his classroom efforts are below standard. He has everyone in the school under his thumb until he meets Miss Cross (Olivia Williams) in the primary section of the campus. He immediately falls for her charms and sweet nature, however so does his newly acquired friend, Mr Blume (Bill Murray), a middle aged steel tycoon with a rough marriage. War ensues. They both strive to win her affections without thinking of the consequences or the reality of their situations. Both Max and Blume end up regretting their romance battles over an impressed but rejecting Miss Cross and simultaneously give up. They both learn valuable lessons about the pain of love and life but manage to gradually get over her.