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50,000 Old Asian films found

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2005-03-02 22:48

50,000 Old Asian films found

Mainichi Shimbun newspaper today reports the death of a legendary Japanese film collector, Yoshishige Abe, aged 81. His father was a police doctor who worked for the Korean Consulate, and together they both collected fifty-thousand films both pre and post war at their storehouse. They had previously refused all investigations by scholars, and it is not clear just how many of the films are still viewable.

The article focuses mostly on Na Unkyu's debut Arirang (1926), one of the most influential films of early Korean cinema, and long thought lost. North and South Korea apparently each sent representatives to reclaim the film but Abe refused. Thinking of it as an anti-Japan movie he said he would be willing to give the film rolls to both nations only if Korea united.

Abe has no heir, so after the lawful procedures, National Film Center will investigate the films. The catalogue contains Daichi wa Hohoemu (Mizoguchi, 1925) amongst its many treasures. Thanks to Kimitoshi Sato for sending us this incredible news. -N.W.

- mastersofcinema.com

Väldigt intressant tycker jag. Nu kanske många tidigare "förlorade" asiatiska filmer kommer fram i ljuset, restaureras och så småningom kommer ut till allmänheten. Får se vart detta leder och vad man hittar. Hoppas de uppdaterar när framsteg gjorts :)

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