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Udda, konstiga, flippade eller pretentiösa filmer!

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2005-02-17 21:12

Udda, konstiga, flippade eller pretentiösa filmer!

Jovars.. Man har ju sett en del riktiga monster!

Har ni några tips?
Själv kan jag tipsa om några riktigt.. anorlunda filmer.

Begotten - God disembowels himself with a straight razor. The spirit-like Mother Earth emerges, venturing into a bleak, barren landscape. Twitching and cowering, the Son Of Earth is set upon by faceless cannibals.

Tetsou - A man is experiencing problems with metal showing up and protruding from his body. Apparently he got a piece of metal in his head when he was hit by a car. He must face the antagonist which lives inside him as he continues to sprout more and more metal.

Pinocchio 964 - Pinocchio 964, lobotomised cyborg sex slave, is thrown out onto the street by his owners because of his inability to maintain an erection. He is befriended by a criminally insane, memory-wiped, homeless girl. Meanwhile, the corporate entity who manufactured and sold him plots to kill him because of his malfunction.

"If I had my way with all these copycats and actors / They would all be caput like Tupac spelled backwards"