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Användaren är inte inloggad Clarique

Från Västerås / Västmanlands län / Sweden
Medlem sedan:
Senast inloggad:
2008-04-16 21:05
Användarnamn Sysselsättning Online


Senast skapade trådar

Senaste aktivitet i trådar

Last day of the rest of my life
 I wish I would have known
 Cause I didn't kiss my mama good-bye
 I didnt tell her how that I loved her
 How much I care
 Or thank my pops for all the talks and all the wisdom he shared
 Unaware I just did what I always do
 Everyday the same routine before I skate off to school
 But who knew this day wasnt like the rest
 Instead of taking the test I took two to the chest
 Call me blind but I didnt see it coming
 Everybody was running but i couldnt hear nothing
 Except Gunblast

 It happened so fast
 I didn't really know this kid though i sit by him in class
 Maybe this kid was reaching out for love
 Or maybe for a moment he forgot who he was
 Or maybe this kid just wanted to be hugged
Whatever it was I know its because ,.