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2008-01-06 09:55

Ny bott igen.

my dearest
my name is lizzy and my contact adderss is: lizzy4guk@xxxx iam a beautiful young girl with full of love and carely,well i saw your profile and i love it,i think we can click together please i will like you to contact me through this my email adderss thus;(lizzy4guk@yxxxx)please contact me with my email adderss i will like to show you my photo and at desame time you will know more about me.once again please contact me true my email adderss.dont send it to the site,the will not allow me to read your reply dou to i dont have any access their.so please email with my address.
thanks for your understanding

Från gukama

(censurerad mail-adress)

Jack and Jill went up the hill, so Jack could lick Jill's fanny. Jack got a shock and a mouthful of cock, cos Jill was a pre-op tranny.