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Var anmäler man spam?

Whoa Community - Allmänt om whoa


2007-07-10 16:39

Var anmäler man spam?

Trillar in mer och mer spam bland meddelande. Var anmäler man detta?

Exemepel från idag:

Hi! I am Nancy!
how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took intersest in it,if you don't mind i will like you to write me on this ID hope to hear from you soon, I will be waiting for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you. Lots of love Nancy!(nancyskdgirl at yahoo dot com ) 

 Skickat från nancy4love den 10 juli 2007 | 14:28

´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸. ><((((º>