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Fick ett meddelande...

Whoa Community - Allmänt om whoa


2007-04-30 11:56

Fick ett meddelande...

Detta fick jag till mina "Privata meddelanden" idag.

My name is miss Nancy,i saw your profile today and became interested in you and i will like to know more about you so that i will tell you whom am i and also send to you my picture for you to see me and communicate well,Please i will like you to email me back at my email address at ([email protected]) Please you mail to me will be highly appreciated and remember that colour or distance does not matter but love matters a lots in life..
      Miss Nancy  Godwill.................

([email protected])

Skickat från nancy4u11 den 30 april 2007 | 11:42

Vad är det här för spam? Brukar aldrig få såna här skumma grejer på Whoa?!