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JoBro Media släpper: Arcadion

Vår Hiphop - Producenter & DJs


2008-07-21 11:14

JoBro Media släpper: Arcadion

Ny plugin från JoBro Media:

Time to dust off them arcade joysticks and plugin your pennymachines. JBM is here with a plugin that will most likely get all arcade fans going wild. Arcadion is a monophonic 3 oscilator synth aiming to recreate how old time arcades sounded like when the 80's ruled.

This is how it sounds like

Now don't think that this plugin is only for arcade lovers. You can get some decent leads out of it.

* 3 oscilators
* 10 waves per oscilator
* Mixer between the oscilators
* VCO and VCA envelope
* 16 preprogrammed patches


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