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Spoken word poetry

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2013-04-24 11:02

Spoken word poetry

Som sagt, försöker träna på min engelska så ser ni fel va inte rädda att dra ut dom. Skriven lite mer i ett spoken word flow.

talking about poetry, spoken word to the people
smoking herbs and let the dream tell
How the world is locked and the key keeper
Is kept away from them people in need of weed
Do we see the streets in war or in pieces
Or do the piece tell the streets is in need of some rest
Where are we going next ? I’m leaving the nest
Feeding the fiends of babylon -
To the people seeing the real deeds of hell
Government stealing the real feelings to tell
I have a meaning to fetch, the world is in war
When the politicians is more dirtier then ya’ll

One puff, Two Puffs i know Teraq goin' nuts som vanligt
Med biggie och pac phat flowar med Bob Marley
Myspace: In memory of teraq