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Life is a Phenomenon! R.I.P min vän!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2013-04-08 11:24

Life is a Phenomenon! R.I.P min vän!

En liten text jag började skriva på här igår. En nära vän gick bort i cancer igår bara 24 år gammal så lättade lite på hjärtat och skrev ett par rader. Söker hjälp i min engelska, ser ni några grammatik fel osv får ni gärna märka ut dom :)

One Love!

Life is a phenomenon!
No one knows why we struggle so hard, week after week
Trying to be the best, no rest for the soul, i speak for the weak
A spokesman, not choosen but risen from feelings so strong
Faithless i flow behind time a true free beeing in its form
Seeing friends passing by, drugs, bad feelings i deni
No justice in this world when the youth is left bleeding and die
No need to fight, we are all trapped in the big wheel on earth
Not noing why but all of a sudden you can read my words
To many people lives life to fast, infact we have to stop and smile
Because out of stress comes nothing nice , so stop and smile
Stop and smile for the friends living high, Stop and smile
For the enemies , let me se you stop and smile
For the love and hate I smile, thats all i can do, stand tall and strong
For the friends i love , i reach out my hands with an guardian song

Words of freedom, nesta the spokesman jammin with friends
I have let pass by knowing that they will stop and laugh in the end
Its nasty my friend, but we all unite inna freedom far away
Where them will speak the name, still inna future far away

far away, mind free leading the speach,
pieces on the wall telling us all to stay, free minded, the peace aint far away

Minutes passing by, we can all laugh at time
But in the end we all gonna face the hammer smashing life
Into pieces, floating in a flow of words, memorial rap
Into a piece on the wall, timeless graffiti all glory to that
Another day roling in, my glowing spliff is burning to an end
Got a problem to tell so im turning to a friend, no journy will end
Without tears, event the hearts of the enemies turns into friends


One puff, Two Puffs i know Teraq goin' nuts som vanligt
Med biggie och pac phat flowar med Bob Marley
Myspace: In memory of teraq