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The truth of our lies

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2012-07-07 13:22

The truth of our lies

iam the hardcore niggha that william and billy tryed to be but as i have no feelings i was all that it was. i educated them it aint about color or race no black white or yellow can conquer me as iam the creater of god i made up the bible and koran. You can call me the allmighty one as iam above the immortals i fucked the three devils cause i aint got no dream for this world of evolution. iam the niggha that enslaved all human kind as i make lions and threes bow for me. iam the man you all´n´all wanted to be.

There shouldent be no war between humanity.
Världen är som en bur av natur.Djävulen och ljuset
är raka motsatsen mot svart på vitt det är min bibel -Amen