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Anger inside myself..

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2012-03-23 18:51

Anger inside myself..

Sometimes, I feel so much anger, still I see the sun.
Want to empty my head and draw my gun.
Blow away the pain, the thoughts in my brain.
The dark and cold blood thats runnin' in my vains.
My head is in the clouds with an million plains.
Its so heavy to breath, gaspin for air.
I only tast the dust and salt from my tears.
Wounderin bout things around my road.
Careful, cause heres a million mines waitin to explode..
Try to draw my future on my filthy floor-
befor it was an exclamation mark.
Now its an question mark.
Feels like Im in the fire but I cant see a spark!
Searchin for something in the big nothin..
No one hears my empty screem in this dark ring!
Runnin' after my faith but it got wings!

U all will look up to me n' pray.
Cause' I gonna burn God's book.
N' reborn u all on ONE singel day!.