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The sun aint coming up

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2012-02-13 11:30

The sun aint coming up

I Cant see, cause of this disease.
Feel like the mirror is looking back at me.
My regrets knockin me of my feets.
Done things I want to forget.
The clock rings, still in this shit..
I wish that all of this was a dream.
And that the water Im floatin in was crystal clean.
But its the headwind that makes this dragon fly.
I got a big fuckin smile, but you want me to cry.
Pretty strong alone, you cant go on so long..
The words is like air, I dont feel any fear.
You was mine, for a time, but now you not here.
So why should I listen when you dont want to hear.
We where so close but still so far away.
Of cours I still love you, but Im alone today.
I tried to explain, but you turned the back.
Open doors to my pain and attcked..
You still want to be freinds, maybe more later.
I cant be in a zone with chains and a traitor..
Sorry, but my feelings is strong, still so weak.
Our time is gone, and you left me to leak.
The sun aint coming up, stuck here left to bleed.
Try to pull myself up, but you kickin me down in the deep.

U all will look up to me n' pray.
Cause' I gonna burn God's book.
N' reborn u all on ONE singel day!.