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Det är skillnad

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2011-10-19 15:57

Det är skillnad

This is sweden, ive been here for 22 years
now its clear there´s no compton or brooklyn over here
but mutherfuckers, call eachother gangsta
i call em bad actors, possibly greedy backstabers
you wouldn´t beat someone up, stab or shot someone down
if you dont know you got twice the guys around
show your playmates yo tuff and put a life underground
while the bible still says what goes around, comes around
keep threating me boy, you aint breaking no bones
paralysed front of eyes, kind of tough on the phone
you just stay home till a bro knock the door
yall have to move like a drone, never walk alone
then i see you are crippin, never been shot before
wanna get i told, yo gangsta fo sho
you talk too much, get into beef and you fold
you call, wont answer mutherfuckers, hold on