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Metastrof - Where Are You Now? (spoken word/rap)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2011-05-20 22:10

Metastrof - Where Are You Now? (spoken word/rap)

ingen helt fulländad text. hade tänkt lägga ut mer tid på den men kändes som att jag skulle forma om det snabbt, göra det till en duglig text för att lägga upp den här på whoa o se vad ni tycker :P

I bought a spade,
that i purchased to scrape up the surface of your face.
to see a purpose of the way you behave,
me, myself versus my own brain.
my head is my own prison,
my visions are worthless,
its time to close the curtains,
i have to find a way
like how the surfers cross their waves,
i need to persuade myself to a perfect escape.

i want to die,
then ressurect and start a new meaning of life.
just like a phoenix,
but this time i can seperate the evenings, from sunshine
im bleeding, cant someone provide.
me with assets, healing tablets.
before i go die.

i heard a rumour about an 11th commandment,
that tells us about, how heaven is full of madness.
where are you god, when i need to get under your warmth.
why do you have to punish me with thunderous storms?
tell me where are you.. dear marvelous lord,
when all i want, is to get back with the one that i love,
i miss her.

all form av kritik uppskattas, om ni tycker att det var dåligt sammanhang mellan raderna, eller om ni inte förstår budskapet osv så säg bara till.

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