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Li'l Jonth - Neveer Gonna Stop

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2011-05-19 07:28

Li'l Jonth - Neveer Gonna Stop

(Click.. Clack) I feel the hate coming in every day, but i keep rhyming
Though i put mysilf in the situation that I'm in
And it was my choice, this is what i decided
Now i'm in the world of rap, hip-hop and freestyling
I ain't in it for the bitches or the money or whatever
I'm in it for the love of the music that lasts forever
Take every shot that you get never say never
Somebody once said that "you only get one shot"
One shot, one chance to live your dream
The only shot you get, and the only chance you'll ever see
To become the rap artist you always wanted to be
The only thing ya'll need to do is believe
I'm closing in to the end of my verse, i'm at the end of the line
It's time to take what is rightfully mine
Now that was my rap my flow my thang
when i cut of the verse like BANG

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 That Was My Rap, My Flow, My Thang, When I Cut Off The Verse Like BANG! ©Lil'Jonth©