Soul - "It wasn't me, It was the gangstarap & peppermintschnaps"
I don't know about the title. The line kinda popped up when I realized I didn't have a title for this piece.
"If I only had words like Dice Raw I'd muster the curage to tell you not to believe what your eyes saw I know the night is shining on us and I know what you're thinking but I'm not a knight in shining armour atop a white horse rescuing cinderellas shacked up with a couple of nice dwarfs no, my lost boys are of a different child lore but she believes that fantasy right or... wrong and that innocence is so beautiful she might lure me out of my fort I tell her my walls are built of something stronger than drywall but she just smiles that silly smile and says she'll have to try more can't help but to consider that heart on her sleeve and eye sore still, despite the alleged flaws she's the only one I have eyes for eyes sore, squinting down a proverbial tunnel in search of a lightsource saw enemies in the shadows and found it weird with nothing to fight for I was just caught in gangsterisms and needing something to die for what it was was inner crucial conflicts and stylewars why don't I see the same worth in something to stay alive for? Instead we drink the blood of latin kings and vicelords urging us to ride politely opening the sidedoor and now I'm in the drivers seat without a license and destination to drive towards figuring I'd stumble upon my own path by nightfall maybe I never found it cus I kept stumbling alongside yours my vertighosts keep me on my high horse... cus when your a kid you never thought being the man of steel meant becoming a cyborg"
Don't be a stranger.
life is still a bitch.... but sometimes to unwind she lets me feel her tits.