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Mawid - Love

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-10-25 17:56

Mawid - Love

Hej min första riktiga låt jag lägger upp här. En låt jag hoppas jag skulle kunna få lite feeback om, hjälp med eventuella gramtiska fel vore fett schysst också :) Vad tycker ni? :)

Why, Why are love so hard?
When you are deep in love than it
falling a part one day,
I can remember the days, we both had,
can't we go back to that day?
Plase go ahead
I mean everything was fine,
you was the princesess and I was the Prince.
We had a perfect time, can't we go back
and change the time? I regret it all,
but I guess It's to late, but I will never forget
you babe

If I could I would go back inte time
If I cold would change the time of our lifes

I remember the first time I met you, how you looked into my eyes,
in that moment I understood you was mine
After that we had lot of fun together, I was happy to spend the time with you baby,
you maked me happy and strong, with you I never feel that I was alone.
You open new doors and showed me new things in the life, things that I never believe I could find.
I remember the first kiss you gave me, how happy you made me.
It was a moment with a tear in my eye, when I looking back at the time.
I wish I could go back in time and change the time..

If I could I would go back inte time
If I cold would change the time of our lifes

Some shit happent , I can't remember it all
but you decided to leave me one day and so now
I'm alone again, and it feel bad since
I can't imagine world without you babe.
but I was wrong because After a while in pain and sorrow,
I find my strength to follow,
I continue my life like in ancient time
before our romantic time.
I don't feel any pain anymore, but the fact is
I still thinking at you sometimes,
with a tear in my eye, you will always have place in my heart and mind,
good luck baby in your life and thanks for the time.