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Daavd - Where do I belong? (tacksam för kritik)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-08-13 18:23

Daavd - Where do I belong? (tacksam för kritik)

Where do I belong? right now it feels like
on a boat at see thats sinking real fast
and i'm the captain, and the captain does'nt leave his ship
and when i'm under the water I'm breathing in

i'm a sucker for passion, a sucker for love
and it's a thin thread between love and kaos
but who can blame us, who can train us to be something we're not
I am who i am and i'm proud

i read my thougts loud, why?, cuz my thougts are right
they say time heels all wounds but i got a broken clock
broken soul, broken heart, broken life
and where's my handygirl that can do so everything is allright

I've built up my fear in layers
I drown my sorrow in beers and anger, tears and prayers
i got a feelin' that my behaviour is not that mature
but to all of you that thinks that, fuck you all

- http://www.facebook.com/DaavdOfficial -