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You're going down

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-06-27 02:28

You're going down

Mja, en lite halvtaskig dikt. (: Ni får ursäkta stavfel om sådana existerar.

So this situation is wicked and all I can say,
is that it will come a day when it's alright again,
And I don't know why I keep doing this to myself,
I don't even know who the fuck I am anymore.

I think I am asphyxiated,
All the pills makes me toxicaded.
Some kind of elation makes me addicted,
I don't care if the mind is freakin' mixed.

It's like I am falling slowly apart,
no one to blame,
my self-destruction is all my fault.

So now I turn my hourglass up-side-down,
and pray to a God I never had,
that this is a new opportunity, a new chance.

So I'm holding you closer than most,
but you're letting me go,
and I realize... it's just not worth fighting for.

"And if I didn't feel so insecure I might scream out for help."

And I was better where I was miserable, why didn't you leave me there?