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Time For Today

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-06-16 15:18

Time For Today

Jag brukade i stort sett vara skitdålig på att skriva(ett bra tag sen), men på sistone har jag gått igenom historia, lite poesi men framför allt komplexa rhymes (Big Pun som störst förebild). Så jag skulle gärna vilja ha lite kritik över dessa två verser som jag just skrev(Nas - Let there be light instrumental).
Tack på förhand :P

I flew over through the alley in the valley of death
I grew up ambitious all until i threw up my respect
1999 when i was five tell me why did i must die
the time wasnt mine
but that old man
said he will throw me in the lake.
All i did was cry when i watched his face.
That alcoholic man, just like my relatives
alcohol kills them but man i am creative
i will never sink that low and fall,
pray for my life against a little fallen wall.
though im not the best friend of these laws
i still understand all these society calls
im not dumb,
i swear i am one of the wise.
hearin proof in my ear, and sein truth with my eyes.
and i swear one day i will find a way.
how to get better, and man it is today.

Here i am, holding this bottle of shattered dreams.
All i see is ancient relatives, all of them scream.
Imagine yourself watchin the sunrise.
someone turns the light off,
and it turns as cold as ice.
Suddenly. You're in a world all filled with wet tears.
new place, you never witnessed these atomospheres
its all so depressive i warn you beware.
the ancestors got too tired so i couldnt really care.
Get me out of here i swear that i need a wake up.
but here i am just showin u this piece of paper.

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