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Hope u can see me for the man im

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-06-15 00:13

Hope u can see me for the man im

Im sitting here once again,
Left for dead, lonely, a empty brain.
I was struggelin' for love,
For a girl from above,
I use all my power to make her happy,
But even tho i was sappy,
Didnt now what to do,
I really loved her, i was fool,
Cause she was my jewel my fuel,
But still tho i was so cruel,
I have been trying to apologize,
Down at my knees,
But she says that it'll not be us or we.
Gone with the wind, far away,
But i'll still be here and wait for the day,
Even if it'll be my death,
I'll fight for u, day and night till my last breath,
And i know that i have said some stupied things,
Done some wrong turns, but ur still my angel with wings,
U even make the blackbird sing,
And i just a joker but trying to be ur king,
But now its all about time,
And u have stroked the line,
Hope u can see me for the man im,
Cause i cant be better for who i really am.

U all will look up to me n' pray.
Cause' I gonna burn God's book.
N' reborn u all on ONE singel day!.