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Melancholic - I'll Be There

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-06-14 01:22

Melancholic - I'll Be There


(This one right here is for my family...)

1st Verse
It doesn't matter, the old (or new)/
I would trade my soul (for you)/
You know I love you, right? (My fam)/
Sorry for all the fights... (I am)/
Some broken homes can't be (repaired)/
Still got the memories (we share)/
If you ever need me, I'll (be there)/
And to my other relatives:/
Hope y'all know what you mean (to me)/
Nah, it ain't what it seem (to be)/
I don't keep in touch like (I should)/
If I was more polite (I would)/
Holidays and birthdays (we'll meet)/
All gathered in one place (real sweet)/
But if y'all in some case (feel weak)/
Don't hesitate, I'll be there/

Whenever you call me, I'll be there
Whenever you want me, I'll be there
Whenever you need me, I'll be there
I'll be around

(This one goes out to my homies)

2nd Verse
Man, I wish that I (could spend)/
more time with my (good friends)/
Hang like we used to (I do)/
not wanna lose you (my crew)/
But things ain't the same (it seems)/
like grown up stuff came (between)/
But I'm still the same (it means)/
I'ma be there if you need me/
You know that I've got (your back)/
Scars proves I get knocked (for that)/
All you gotta do is ask (because)/
we all share this past (we was)/
fucked up, but we got by (somehow)/
You don't need to get high (come down)/
Okay, maybe we buy (one round)
But it's not the liquour talkin' when I say that:/

Whenever you call me, I'll be there
Whenever you want me, I'll be there
Whenever you need me, I'll be there
I'll be around

You don't think rational when you're lovesick
The heart convince the brain that the glove fit