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2010-05-25 22:13


The more time it goes since we were close it gets more relevant//
that elegance is not the right way to get the better one//
So I let her run, laughing while I'm walking away//
'Cuz time won't make her mine, that's how our story passed away.

If I lay out all my cards on the table I know I will lose//
But I play them right, and always refuse//
It wasn't me! I didn't know! I was just playin' cards//
Now that's at cowards way to be a winner without scars.

But I don't want to be that one, I want to lose this cardgame//
'Cuz life aint about luck, it's about winning the hard way//
'Cuz far away, there's someone for you and for me//
But there's always cheaters man, and there's always thieves..

Aah. Fan. Märker alltid hur den tredje versen alltid blir sämre än de två första. Borde alltid göra tredje som en ny sång. En annan dag. Vågade inte fortsätta ifall det skulle blivit ännu sämre. Gör det en annan dag. Haha.
