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Soul - My Brothers Weakness

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-05-09 11:29

Soul - My Brothers Weakness

this was a quickie.

I'm not being melodramatic but I'm telling the saddest
thing ever when my man broke down and developed a habit
he fell in the trap, kid drugs are the source of a whole
lotta crap like elepahant asses but he didn't care, naw,
he started using whatever would help him get plastered
He must've wished he was somewhere else on the map, kid
cus it excelled very rapid it went from just beer to beer and
sleeping pills to coke, crack, alka seltzer and acid
I should've been there when he knelt by the casket
cus I've known this dude since we were twelve and a half, shit...
I know he's a sensible and intelligent bastard
but apparently brains and common sense are irrelevant factors
on the cell how he acted, you could tell if he'd had it,
snorting and sniffing, how he spoke felt automatic
he nearly killed himself in this madness, it's awful
how he went from eligible bachelor to eligible crack head
this is to tell him that if there's a problem I'll tell him I'm at it
I'll help him combat it be there and help him get past it
let the fire in his chest burn the desire and detest for
himself and his baggage, just let it melt and then mash it
weld and recraft it then dress it in some elegant fabric
make the future a strength instead of dwelling on bad shit
my brothers weakness.


life is still a bitch....
but sometimes to unwind she lets me feel her tits.