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Skriver av mig

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-05-02 00:31

Skriver av mig

Kommer antagligen byggas på och spelas in men detta är vad jag har fått ur mig idag.

You know what it is, n-i-c mothafucka, pop lock and drop and lollipop on this sucka, incredible flow like I was Ice Cube, but I don't melt in the heat like frozen food. My stomach is protected by carbonic cuz i pop so much soda, you could call me "Im on it" aint no punchline master so mothafucka take it eazyier, 'cuz that's what he would've dunn. Gangsta rap made him do it, gangsta rap made me take the long path through it. What the fuck is the world comin' to, New World Order, everything is planned, props to MC Ren the man. You have haters on your jock, suckers get record deal and forget about the ones that made them, my only word for you is my middle finger, studio gangstas infected by a fuckin ginger, he already sold his soul, forget what we've told, live your life and make some noise.
Shit happens, but I realize the pattern, D'Evils and a cannon, it's so obvious that these peeps will demolish us, quote my homie; the media fucks up our mind, make subliminal messages as they say or die and that aint no lie.

Tears of Liquor EP